Hi there, I’m Dr. Mounts. Today I want to talk to you about one of the more challenging aspects of the dentistry and that is trying the dental needs of an aging population. So, you may not know this but over the last hundred years, the life expectancy for Americans has increased by about 30 years. So, now it’s pretty normal for folks to live up into their 80’s and not just live that long but to still have their teeth. You know, you go back into the 50’s and 60’s and when people were having problems with their teeth back then.
Lots of times they would just come into the dental office, get all their teeth pulled and go with dentures. But, really today, most folks don’t want to go that route. The nice thing is that you don’t have to. So, what we try to do here in my practice is we try to really help our older patients at finding out what needs they have by sitting down and listening to them, trying to understand what’s going on with them and then trying to help them keep their teeth as long as possible. What we found is that most folks that are coming in on a regular basis and we are helping you through this process. We are able to do that.