Hi, my name is Dr. Jason Mount and I want to take a few minutes to tell you about Adult Braces. We have a program here at Mounts Dental Care called “Six Month Smiles”. My experience in the past was that I had a lot of adult patients that had crooked or crowded teeth and they wanted to do something about them, but as soon as I would talk to them about going to see the orthodontist they usually declined. I think mostly because they had the idea that they were going to be in braces for a couple of years, or they just didn’t want to hang out with all the little kids at the orthodontist.
I started doing some research and I wanted to find a program that we could use that was geared specifically towards straightening adults’ teeth. I found this program called Six Month Smiles and it has been fantastic. I want to tell you a little bit about it. What we do with this program is we have brackets just like you do, if you don’t see the orthodontist but instead of having the silver ones that shine when you smile, you’ve got the tooth-colored brackets.
At Mounts Dental Care, the adults we see for orthodontic treatment just want to correct minor issues such as crooked or crowded teeth in a timely manner. We have been using a limited orthodontic program called Six Month Smiles for many years now. With Six Month Smiles we use tooth colored brackets and wires to correct minor issues in usually around six months time. For more information, watch our video!