Which Is Better: Silver Fillings or Tooth-Colored?

When you get a cavity, your dentist in North Little Rock, AR, will fix the problem with a dental filling. Dental fillings come in two different types: composite and amalgam. Both filling types are known to be safe and effective, but they have different characteristics. Knowing these differences can help you pick which filling is best for you.

What Are Silver Fillings?

Silver fillings, also called “amalgam” fillings, are made from a silver material that includes liquid mercury, copper, silver, and tin. Silver fillings are long-lasting and durable. Silver fillings can last as long as 15 years or even much longer.

Although amalgam fillings contain mercury, they’re considered safe for patients six years and older. Amalgam fillings are a tried and true solution used in dental procedures for 150 years.

Amalgam fillings are silver when they’re installed but will darken to black over time.

What Are Tooth-Colored Fillings?

Tooth-colored fillings are made from a composite dental material containing plastic resin and powdered glass. Once installed, composite fillings are impossible to distinguish from the tooth enamel. Composite fillings may look more attractive, but they’re not as durable as amalgam fillings. In addition, some insurance companies will not pay for composite dental fillings.

Which One Is Better for Me?

There are many factors to consider when choosing between amalgam and composite dental fillings. Consider the location of the tooth, your budget, and what your insurance will cover. Your dentist can help you decide which filling is best for your teeth.

Want to avoid cavities? See the dentist every six months for dental exams in North Little Rock, AR. Call Mounts Dental Care today to make your appointment.

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