Maintaining Dental Veneers: Tips to Help

Your dental veneers make your smile what it is, so it’s wise to maintain them well. Dental veneers are easy to care for when you know how. If you have questions about caring for veneers, ask your dentist in North Little Rock AR. At Mounts Dental Care, we answer questions about how to care for veneers. Here’s what you need to know.

Brush Dental Veneers Twice Daily

Brush your dental veneers twice per day at the same time that you’re brushing your other teeth. Dental veneers can be scratched by abrasive toothpaste, so avoid toothpaste with a Relative Dentin Abrasion (RDA) value higher than 69. You can find this information on the toothpaste packaging.

Avoid any toothpastes that say they whiten teeth. While whitening toothpastes are effective for natural teeth, they can scratch away the protective glaze on dental veneers, leaving veneers vulnerable to stains.

See the Dentist Twice Yearly

Hopefully, you are already in the habit of visiting your dentist twice annually. If you’re not, now is the time to start. See your dentist twice per year for dental checkups and cleaning. During your checkup, the dentist will tell you if they see anything concerning the status of your dental veneers.

Protect Your Dental Veneers from Chips

Dental veneers can get chipped or broken if you bite down hard on something that isn’t food. For example, if you use your teeth to tear through packaging, or if you chew on pen caps, you might damage your veneers. Break the habit now!

Do you have more questions about maintaining dental veneers in North Little Rock AR? If so, call Mounts Dental Care today.

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