3 Things Parents Can Do to Care for Their Kid’s Teeth

Parents play a big role in their children’s oral health. If you’re a parent, you likely make many decisions on a regular basis that can impact the health of your child’s teeth. It is important to protect your child’s teeth from decay by keeping them clean and minimizing their exposure to sugar.

Your child’s dentist in North Little Rock, AR, can help you identify more things you can do to help your child develop healthy teeth and gums. Below are some suggestions for helping your child avoid cavities and keeping their teeth clean.

1. Brush your child’s teeth until they can do it themselves.

Many young children lack the coordination to brush their own teeth. Children don’t start developing the coordination to brush their teeth until they’re around 7 or 8. However, it’s a good idea to have your child brush their teeth for practice, even if you are also brushing them.

If you’re unsure if your child is old enough to brush their teeth, talk to the dentist.

2. Monitor your child’s sugar intake.

Sugar consumption can cause cavities. Kids love sugar, so they’re especially vulnerable to cavities. You can help protect your child’s teeth from this problem by keeping sugarless snacks in the house for your child to consume. Limit your child’s consumption of sugary drinks like sodas.

3. Bring your child for regular dental cleanings.

Your child should see the dentist regularly. The dentist will tell you how often to bring your child in for a dental cleaning in North Little Rock, AR. To learn more, call Mounts Dental Care today.

3 Things to Expect At Your Baby’s First Dental Appointment

When you bring your baby to their first dental appointment, they should be around one year old. In fact, many dental professionals recommend that babies come to the dentist for the first time within six months of their teeth erupting or whenever they turn one year old – whichever comes first.

This means that when your baby first visits thedentist in North Little Rock, AR, they won’t be old enough to have a normal dentist appointment like the appointments you experience. Your baby’s first visit to the dentist will be a little different. Here’s what you can expect.

1. Brief Examination

Your baby’s first dental appointment will start with a brief examination of their teeth and gums. The dentist will look inside their mouth for evidence of issues like cavities and other problems. Babies can get cavities just like older kids, so it’s important for your child’s dentist to take some time to look at their teeth.

2. Chance to Ask Questions

Once the examination is over, the dentist will give you a chance to ask some questions about your child’s teeth. You might have questions about how to brush your child’s teeth and how to take care of them, or you may have questions about what to expect during teething and other developmental milestones. Your child’s dentist at Mounts Dental Care will take the time to answer these questions to the best of their ability.

3. Information About Pediatric Dental Care

Finally, the dentist will give you information about how to brush your child’s teeth, what kind of toothbrush to use, and so on. This information will help you keep your child’s teeth clean and healthy.

If your baby is one year old or older, it’s time for yourfirst dental cleaning in North Little Rock, AR. Call today to make an appointment.

What to Know About Your Child’s First Dental Checkup

Your child’s first dental checkup is an exciting milestone in their life. Choosing the right dentist in North Little Rock, AR, and taking your child to see the dentist as soon as it’s time is important. Below are three important things you should know about bringing your child to the dentist for the first time.

The check-up should happen by the time your child is one year old.

Many professionals recommend that your child see the dentist for the first time within six months of their first tooth erupting from the gums or when they turn one year old. Bringing your child to the dentist on this schedule helps ensure that the dentist will catch any dental problems in their early stages so the dentist can correct the problems before they become serious.

The dentist will tell you all about how to take care of your child’s teeth.

During the dental appointment, the dentist will tell you all about how to take care of your child’s teeth. They’ll show you how to properly brush your child’s teeth and answer any questions you may have about your child’s oral hygiene.

The dentist will look in your child’s mouth briefly, but may not do a deep examination.

Many children as young as one year old can’t sit still for a long dental exam or appointment. Your child’s dentist will keep the appointment short and comfortable for both of you so your child can have a positive experience their first time at the dentist. Is your child ready for preventative dentistry in North Little Rock, AR? If so, call Mounts Dental Care to make an appointment with one of our dental professionals.

Your Child Hates Brushing? 4 Things That Can Help

Teeth brushing isn’t the most exciting activity, so some children don’t like to do it. For these kids, it’s important to ensure that they’re getting their teeth brushed properly and adequately. Your dentist in North Little Rock, AR, will have some tips for you in addition to the suggestions below.

Brush Together

Until they turn about 7 or 8 years old, many children are unable to brush their teeth adequately on their own. Brushing your child’s teeth for them can help make tooth brushing more entertaining for your child while also ensuring that your child gets their teeth brushed properly.

Show a Video

While you’re brushing your child’s teeth, show them a video on your phone to keep them entertained. You might show them the same video over and over or a different video each time. Have it ready to pull up as soon as you start brushing.

Sing a Song

Play a song that your child enjoys listening to while brushing their teeth. Ideally, the song will be about two minutes long because that’s how long your child needs their teeth to be brushed. When the song ends, the toothbrushing can end, too.

Get an App

There are several apps that are designed to make toothbrushing more fun and entertaining for your child. Explore apps online to find one that works for you and your child.

The next time you bring your child in for a dental cleaning in North Little Rock, AR, ask the dentist to give your child a tutorial on how to brush their teeth. Sometimes, just getting a refresher can help your child develop new enthusiasm for the task. Call Mounts Dental Care today to make an appointment.

Fall Dental Care Tips to Care for Your Child’s Teeth

For many kids, fall is a time of great change and excitement for many kids. Between going back to school and celebrating holidays like Thanksgiving and Halloween, most kids have a lot going on at this time of year. Sometimes these activities can get in the way of your child’s normal oral hygiene routine.

As your dentist in North Little Rock, AR, we’re committed to helping you take care of your child’s teeth. Below are some tips that can help at this busy and exciting time of year.

1. Maintain a Healthy Oral Hygiene Routine At Home

Kids need to brush their teeth in the morning and at night, just like adults. When school starts, it’s important to ensure that your child is keeping up with these responsibilities, even though they may be rushed to go to bed in the evening and rushed to get ready for school in the morning. Remember that kids younger than about 7 or 8 years old may need you to brush their teeth for them, to ensure they’re doing a good job.

2. Pack Healthy School Lunches

Stock up on healthy school lunch foods like bread and hummus, crunchy fruits and vegetables, and low sugar yogurt. Packing healthy school lunches can help your child maintain strong, healthy teeth.

3. Control the Sugar Intake Around the Fall Holidays

During Halloween and Thanksgiving, kids often eat a lot of sugary candies, cookies and desserts. Controlling sugar intake around these holidays can help your child avoid cavities.

4. Make An Appointment to See the Dentist

When was the last time your child went to the dentist for a dental cleaning in North Little Rock, AR? If it’s been a while, bring your child to see the dentist at Mounts Dental Care. Call today to make an appointment.

3 Back to School Tips to Care for Your Child’s Teeth

It’s back to school time! Keeping your little one’s teeth healthy during the school year is important. As your dentist in North Little Rock, AR, we’re happy to help you with this process. We’re sharing the tips below to make caring for your child’s teeth easier this coming school year. Here’s what you need to know.

1. Bring your child to the dentist before the school year starts.

Once your child starts school, getting your child to the dentist can become more complicated. Make an appointment to bring your child to the dentist before the school year begins. If it’s already too late to bring your child before the school year begins, make a note in your calendar to make a back-to-school dentist appointment next year.

2. Stock up on healthy lunches and snacks.

The right lunches and snacks can help your child maintain healthy teeth and gums. Stock up on healthy foods that are easy to pack in your child’s lunches. Apples, hummus on pita, nuts, and fresh water in a bottle are all relatively healthy snacks that will fill your child up without doing damage to your child’s teeth.

3. Continue to monitor your child’s tooth brushing habits.

School nights can be hectic between family dinners and homework. Don’t let your child forget to brush their teeth before bedtime. If you brush your child’s teeth for them, pay attention to the appearance of their teeth to watch for problems like cavities. Continuing to brush your child’s teeth twice daily and floss once daily can help your child avoid painful dental problems.

Need to make an appointment for preventative dental care in North Little Rock, AR? Call Mounts Dental Care to make an appointment today.

I Think My Baby Is Teething. What Are the Signs?

Teething is an important time in your child’s development. When the first teeth appear, your child may experience symptoms that can disrupt their sleep, their mood and their behavior. Knowing what to expect when your baby is teething can help you help your baby feel more comfortable. Once your baby’s teeth have appeared, it’s time to see the dentist in North Little Rock, AR. Here’s what you need to know about teething.

When Does Teething Happen?

Teething can start as early as 4 months old, or as late as 1-year-old. Most babies start teething when they’re about 6 months old. Most babies get their first two teeth on the bottom in the front, and their second pair of teeth on the top in the front.

Signs of Teething in Babies

Teething can be uncomfortable for babies, so when it starts to happen, most babies will show signs of discomfort. When your baby starts teething, they may experience some or all of the following symptoms:

  • 1 flushed cheek
  • Swollen red gums
  • Rubbing their ear
  • Mildly elevated temperature, not enough to be considered a fever
  • Excessive drooling
  • Rash on their chin due to drooling
  • Gnawing and chewing on toys, fingers, etc
  • Fretful
  • Difficulty sleeping

When To Take Your Baby to the Dentist

Once your baby’s first tooth appears, you can make an appointment with the dentist. If your baby’s first tooth hasn’t appeared by the time they’re one year old, make an appointment with the dentist anyway. When you bring your baby in for a teeth cleaning in North Little Rock, AR, the dentist will examine your baby’s gums and teeth, show you how to clean your baby’s teeth, and answer any questions you may have about your baby’s oral hygiene.

Want to know more about helping your baby maintain good oral hygiene? Call Mounts Dental Care to make an appointment or talk to one of our dental professionals.


3 Reasons To Take Your Baby to the Dentist

Your baby only has a tooth or two, so is it really important for your baby to go to the dentist? Yes! Babies should start seeing the dentist when they’re one year old, or when their first tooth erupts – whichever comes first. If you’re wondering why you should bring your baby to the dentist in North Little Rock AR, we can answer that question for you. Here’s what you need to know.

1. You want your baby to have good dental health.

Taking your baby to the dentist from an early age will help them establish good dental health. In that first visit, your baby’s dentist will look in their mouth and examine your baby for potential problems, like cavities.

That’s right! Babies can get cavities, just like older kids and adults. By catching problems in their early stages, your dentist can help set your baby up for success.

2. You want to establish good oral hygiene habits early.

In that first visit to the dentist, you’ll learn important tips about how to take care of your baby’s teeth. When you go home, you should know more about brushing your child’s teeth and how to prevent cavities. When you start brushing your child’s teeth twice daily, you establish good oral hygiene habits that can last a lifetime.

3. You want your baby to be comfortable going to the dentist.

When you take your baby to the dentist, you show them that visits to the dentist can be positive. This will help your baby feel comfortable in the future.

Does your baby have their first teeth? Have they turned one year old yet? It’s time to bring your baby to the dentist if they haven’t gone already. Contact us to make a pediatric dental appointment in North Little Rock AR today.