The Importance of Ongoing Senior Dental Services

For seniors, the importance of ongoing dental care cannot be overstated. Senior dentistry services in Little Rock, AR are available at Mounts Dental Care. We treat all our patients with care and respect, but especially our valued senior patients. Learn more about why it’s so important not to neglect your oral health in your golden years.

Prevention of Tooth Loss

Today, more people than ever are able to keep their natural teeth, thanks to the many advancements in dentistry. As such, many seniors still have their own natural teeth, and it’s always good to keep it that way. Restorative dentistry treatments are available, of course, but they can be avoided altogether if a person still has healthy natural teeth.

Better Nutrition

Make no mistake, having missing molars or loose front teeth make biting and chewing much more problematic. For seniors who may have underlying health issues, maintaining proper nutrition is essential. But if teeth are missing, it becomes much more difficult to eat a varied diet. You might be surprised to learn how may seniors in the United States suffer from malnutrition due to this very issue!

Enhanced Quality of Life

Dental issues can cause pain and discomfort, affecting daily activities. Regular care helps seniors avoid unnecessary pain and enjoy life more fully.

Better Overall Health

Poor oral health has been linked to serious conditions like heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Maintaining good dental hygiene can help reduce these risks.

Ongoing dental care is essential for seniors’ health and well-being. By addressing barriers to access and promoting regular dental visits, we can help ensure that older adults maintain good oral health throughout their lives. This not only improves their quality of life but can also lead to significant cost savings in the long run by preventing more serious health issues. To book an appointment today, contact your senior dentist in Little Rock, AR.

Is Sedation Dentistry Right for You?

At Mounts Dental Care, we want your experience at the dentist to be a positive one. Many people struggle with anxiety or nerves around visiting the dentist in North Little Rock. Sedation dentistry can provide a solution. Are you a good candidate for sedation dentistry? Here is a closer look at who should consider this option.

You’re Anxious About Your Oral Care

The best candidates for sedation dentistry are those who feel a lot of anxiety about their dental care. Even light sedation, not full sedation, can make the overall experience far more pleasant.

You Need Extensive Work Done

If you need several procedures at the same time, sedation dentistry makes it easier. You can have them all done at once, helping you save time and potentially money on your dental care. Without sedation, you may be limited in the number of procedures you can have at once due to the amount of anesthetic they would require in your mouth, but under sedation, your dental team can knock them all out at once.

You Have a Strong Gag Reflex

A gag reflex can increase the risk of complications during dental procedures, and it creates frustration for you and your dentistry team. Under sedation, that reflex settles, and your team can get the work done without this frustration.

You Struggle to Open

If you have jaw pain or TMJ, keeping your mouth open during dental work is hard. Under sedation, you don’t have to tax those muscles or endure the pain and discomfort that comes with opening your mouth for long periods of time, and your dentist will have full access to your mouth.

Are you interested in learning more about sedation dentistry? Our team will be happy to discuss this option with you and see if it’s the right fit. Reach out to Mounts Dental Care today to learn more.

How Digital Cavity Detection Stops Plaque in its Tracks

Cavities are more than just a nuisance, they can cause many different issues if left untreated. Cavities can grow to attack the root of your teeth and gums, leading to more complicated procedures and problems.

The expert team at Mounts Dental Care in North Little Rock, AR, is proud to serve the local community with quality dental care services, including state-of-the-art cavity detection so that we can solve issues before they become more expensive and difficult to treat.

What is Digital Cavity Detection?

Digital cavity detection is a high-tech scanner that can spot cavities and plaque before they cause trouble.

It’s a special camera that takes super-detailed pictures of your teeth, highlighting areas where decay might be hiding.

Benefits of Digital Cavity Detection

It’s a small step for dental tech but a giant leap for your smile.

Here are some of the top benefits you’re getting when you choose our clinic:

  • No More Guesswork: Our dentist can pinpoint exactly where the problem is, making treatment quicker and easier.
  • Less Radiation: Compared to traditional X-rays, digital cavity detection uses much less radiation, which is great for your overall health.
  • Detailed Images: The pictures are extremely clear, so the team can get a better look at what’s going on with your teeth.

Your Local Quality Dental Care Team

If you can’t remember the last time you got a check-up, you’re probably overdue for one. Even if you don’t exhibit any signs or systems of cavities forming, our digital detection methods can help identify if everything is in tip-top shape.

During your next appointment with the professional team at Mounts Dental Care in North Little Rock, AR, you can be sure you receive the utmost care and guidance that you and your loved ones deserve.

3 Reasons Smoking is Bad for Your Smile

Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable disease in the United States. However, it is also one of the leading causes of oral health problems, which is something many people don’t know. Therefore, if you are or have been a smoker, dental exams in Little Rock are even more important to make a routine part of your overall health plan. Take a look at some of the biggest reasons smoking is bad for your smile below.

Gum Disease Risk

Smoking compromises the immune system and reduces blood flow to the gums, increasing the likelihood of gum disease. This can lead to inflammation, infection, and eventual tooth loss if left untreated. Smoking can also contribute to issues with gum recession, which can put your teeth at risk of damage.

Tooth Discoloration and Staining

Tobacco products contain tar and nicotine, which can cause yellowing and staining of the teeth. This diminishes the appearance of your smile and can affect your confidence in social and professional settings. Over time, smoking commonly causes points of decay where severe stains have not been addressed.

Delayed Healing

Smoking slows down the body’s natural healing processes, including healing processes that are important for maintaining health in your oral tissues. This can prolong recovery times after dental procedures such as extractions or gum surgery, which can also enhance the risk of complications and impact overall oral health.

Talk to a Little Rock Dentist About Oral Health Concerns Caused by Smoking

If you are a smoker now or have been in the past, working closely with a Little Rock dentist to monitor your oral health is critical. Reach out to the team at Mounts Dental Care to schedule an appointment to discuss your oral health concerns.

3 Reasons You Should See the Dentist Twice in 2024

2024 is here, and it’s time to make your first dental appointment of the year! Seeing the dentist twice each calendar year is important. If you’re not in the habit of seeing yourdentist in North Little Rock, AR, on a regular basis, then now is a good time to get in the habit. You should see the dentist at least twice per year for many reasons. Here’s what to know.

1. Your Dentist Recommends Twice-Yearly Treatments

Most dentists recommend that their patients come in twice yearly for cleanings. Unless your dentist has recommended a different schedule for dental care, you should follow this twice-yearly schedule to stay on top of your dental needs and to maintain clean, healthy teeth.

2. Frequent Visits Can Help You Avoid Dental Problems

Getting preventative care from the dentist is important for avoiding dental problems. When you go to the dentist for preventative care, your dentist will eliminate plaque and tartar that can lead to gum disease and gum recession. These regular cleanings can help you avoid problems like cavities, infections, and gingivitis. If you are at high risk for any of these conditions, seeing your dentist for regular care is especially important.

3. You’ll Get Early Diagnosis of Dental Issues

When you visit the dentist, your dental professional will look for signs of a problem like cracks in the tooth enamel or cavities. Your dentist will also take regular X-rays of your teeth to find out if there are any problems developing inside your teeth and gums out of sight. This will help you get an early diagnosis so your dentist can help you get treatment before the problem is out of control.

Have you made an appointment for adental cleaning in North Little Rock, AR? If not, call Mounts Dental Care today to schedule your first 2024 appointment.

3 New Year’s Resolutions for a Health Smile

Whether it is a general dental appointment or requests for cosmetic dentistry appointments inNorth Little Rock, AK, January always brings a few extra requests to see the dentist at Mounts Dental Care. This is because January is the time for new resolutions, and many people resolve to get more serious about their smiles at the turn of the new year. Take a look at a few good New Year’s Resolutions to consider for the betterment of your smile below.

Resolve to Get Serious About Flossing

Flossing is very important to your oral health, but it is also one of the most commonly disregarded components of personal oral health hygiene. If you have been skimping when it comes to flossing, make the upcoming year the year when you make this significant change.

Resolve to Follow the Recommended Cleaning Schedule

Your dentist will tell you that your teeth should be cleaned by the hygienist at least twice a year, and some people may need more frequent cleanings due to certain habits or health conditions. As the new year approaches, commit to following this recommendation to protect the health of your teeth.

Resolve to Drink More Water

Drinking water is beneficial for your teeth in several ways. It helps rinse away food particles and bacteria, which works well for reducing plaque buildup and the risk of decay. Water with fluoride also strengthens enamel and enhances protection against cavities. Additionally, adequate hydration maintains a balanced saliva production that works as a natural defense against harmful acids and bacteria.

Discuss Your New Year Smile Needs with a North Little Rock Dentist 

Whether you simply want to be more vigilant about your oral health or want to discover more confidence with cosmetic treatments, working with aNorth Little Rock dentist is the first step. Contact Mounts Dental Care to schedule an appointment for the new year.

3 Things to Expect At Your Baby’s First Dental Appointment

When you bring your baby to their first dental appointment, they should be around one year old. In fact, many dental professionals recommend that babies come to the dentist for the first time within six months of their teeth erupting or whenever they turn one year old – whichever comes first.

This means that when your baby first visits thedentist in North Little Rock, AR, they won’t be old enough to have a normal dentist appointment like the appointments you experience. Your baby’s first visit to the dentist will be a little different. Here’s what you can expect.

1. Brief Examination

Your baby’s first dental appointment will start with a brief examination of their teeth and gums. The dentist will look inside their mouth for evidence of issues like cavities and other problems. Babies can get cavities just like older kids, so it’s important for your child’s dentist to take some time to look at their teeth.

2. Chance to Ask Questions

Once the examination is over, the dentist will give you a chance to ask some questions about your child’s teeth. You might have questions about how to brush your child’s teeth and how to take care of them, or you may have questions about what to expect during teething and other developmental milestones. Your child’s dentist at Mounts Dental Care will take the time to answer these questions to the best of their ability.

3. Information About Pediatric Dental Care

Finally, the dentist will give you information about how to brush your child’s teeth, what kind of toothbrush to use, and so on. This information will help you keep your child’s teeth clean and healthy.

If your baby is one year old or older, it’s time for yourfirst dental cleaning in North Little Rock, AR. Call today to make an appointment.

The Connection Between Oral Health and Mental Health in Seniors

As you get older, you have to think about every aspect of your health. Most seniors don’t realize their oral health could be affecting their mental health. That’s why it’s so important to make regular visits to yourdentist in Little Rock, AR.

What Stress, Anxiety and Depression Do to Your Oral Health

Stress, anxiety, and depression can not only affect your oral health, but they can also affect your mental health. Sometimes, stress leads to depression. Depression can lead to being less attentive to your daily care routine, and that includes your dental habits.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Stress

  • Panic attacks
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Blurry or sore eyes
  • Indigestion and heartburn
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Muscle aches
  • Chest pains
  • High blood pressure

Signs of Stress-Related Dental Issues

If you have symptoms of stress, then add stress-related dental issues to that, it could hinder your ability to eat comfortably. And that could impact your nutrition. It could also contribute to feelings of isolation and depression. Therefore, you should also pay attention to the signs of stress-related dental issues. Those could include the subconscious clenching of your teeth and worsening TMJ. Both can lead to more oral health issues. A dental office familiar withsenior dentistry in Little Rock, AR can help you get back on track.

How to Avoid Oral Health Issues That Result in Mental Health Decline

The best way to avoid oral health issues that could result in mental decline is to visit your dentist regularly. You should also take care of yourself by exercising, eating well, and practicing a good daily oral health routine.

Do You Need a Dentist in Little Rock, AR?

If you need a dentist in Little Rock, AR, pleaseContact Mounts Dental Care today. We cherish our seniors and will prioritize your dental care accordingly. Our team knows how to identify senior dental issues that could affect your mental health. Reach out today. We’d love to meet you!

Are You a Candidate for Periodontal Surgery?

Has your dentist in North Little Rock, AR, told you that you have advanced gum disease? If so, they probably also recommended performing periodontal surgery to correct it. But what is periodontal surgery, and what makes you a good candidate for it? Let’s find out.

The Three Types of Periodontal Surgery Explained

Here are the three types of periodontal surgery currently available.

1. Mucogingival Surgery

Mucogingival surgery is usually reserved for those with advanced periodontal gum disease because it’s a more complicated surgery than other available options. This surgery can be broken down into five different techniques. However, in general, mucogingival surgery is performed to renovate lost gums. This is when your gums are worn away from the tooth root.

2. Gingival Flap Surgery

Gingival flap surgery is usually referred to as gum lift surgery. Gum lift surgery is performed to recontour your gums to help improve the appearance of your smile.

3. Osseous Surgery

Osseous surgery, like mucogingival surgery, is performed when you have advanced gum disease. It works by manipulating the bone tissue to help reshape and restore it to its original form or best possible form.

Now, let’s look at who is a good candidate for periodontal surgery in North Little Rock, AR.

Who Is a Candidate for Periodontal Surgery?

Most people won’t need gum surgery. It’s usually only performed if you have advanced periodontal disease or for cosmetic reasons. Here are some of the most common issues that make you a candidate for gum surgery.

  • Swollen, red, or bleeding gums
  • Bad breath
  • Receding gums
  • Gummy smile
  • Loose teeth
  • Pain when chewing
  • Pockets between your gums and teeth

Do You Need a Dentist in North Little Rock, AR?

If you are looking for a dentist in North Little Rock, AR, please Contact Mounts Dental Care today. We offer a comfortable, personalized, and affordable dental experience. And we look forward to providing you and your family with the dental excellence you deserve!

What Is Digital Cavity Detection, and Why is It Important?

Cavities are easily one of the most common oral health concerns. However, when they are detected early using digital cavity detection in North Little Rock, cavities can be stopped in their tracks. While a visual assessment may detect prominent cavities, sometimes, cavities exist under the surface where they can cause just as many problems. Take a closer look at digital cavity protection below.

What Is Digital Cavity Detection?

Digital cavity detection is a type of dental diagnostic method that involves using a laser-powered tool to detect decay under the surface of the tooth. The handheld tool uses laser technology that evaluates the tooth using reflective light. This light is more capable of pinpointing points of decay than the human eye and can capture signs of deterioration inside the tooth that are not visible outwardly. To make a diagnosis, the dentist will simply sweep the tool over each tooth to conduct an examination.

Why Is Digital Cavity Detection Important?

With any cavities, the quicker the issues are diagnosed and treated, the less likely the cavity will cause extensive damage to the tooth. Cavities that are left to grow inside or between teeth because they are not visible can put the entire structure of the tooth at risk. The more decay spreads, the more difficult it will be to fix the tooth without having to extract it. Further, smaller cavities are not as costly to repair because a simple filling is usually all that is required.

Talk to an Experienced Little Rock Dentist About Cavity Detection

When you visit Mount Dental Care, we take your oral health seriously. Therefore, we use the most innovative and effective dental technology to make accurate diagnoses and provide treatment as your Little Rock, AR dentist. If you are interested in digital cavity detection, reach out to schedule an appointment today.