Mounts Dental Care – 3 Things You Can Do To Avoid Cavities In the New Year

Cavities are no fun. They can be avoided! Seeing your dentist in North Little Rock, AR, cleaning your teeth properly, and getting dental sealants are all things you can do to avoid cavities in the New Year.

If you’ve had bad luck with cavities in the past, and you’d like to avoid cavities in the New Year, below are four things you can do to prevent this problem in the future.

1. Clean Your Teeth for Two Minutes Each Time

Most dental experts recommend brushing your teeth for two minutes each time. Brushing your teeth for less time may leave your teeth less clean. Brushing your teeth for more time may contribute to gum recession and tooth enamel erosion. To be sure that you’re brushing your teeth for the right length of time, use a timer when you brush.

2. Get Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are protective coatings that your dentist can paint over your teeth to protect your tooth enamel from bacteria. Dental sealants last for years and can protect your teeth from cavities for a long time. Talk to your dentist about getting dental sealants the next time you’re there for a checkup.

3. Make Two Dental Checkup Appointments in 2025

If you’re not in the habit of making two dental checkup appointments every year, now is the time for that to change. Experts recommend that most people see the dentist twice yearly.

Have you scheduled your next dental checkup in North Little Rock, AR? If not, contact your dentist at Mounts Dental Care today. See the dentist every six months to take good care of your teeth.

How Digital Cavity Detection Stops Plaque in its Tracks

Cavities are more than just a nuisance, they can cause many different issues if left untreated. Cavities can grow to attack the root of your teeth and gums, leading to more complicated procedures and problems.

The expert team at Mounts Dental Care in North Little Rock, AR, is proud to serve the local community with quality dental care services, including state-of-the-art cavity detection so that we can solve issues before they become more expensive and difficult to treat.

What is Digital Cavity Detection?

Digital cavity detection is a high-tech scanner that can spot cavities and plaque before they cause trouble.

It’s a special camera that takes super-detailed pictures of your teeth, highlighting areas where decay might be hiding.

Benefits of Digital Cavity Detection

It’s a small step for dental tech but a giant leap for your smile.

Here are some of the top benefits you’re getting when you choose our clinic:

  • No More Guesswork: Our dentist can pinpoint exactly where the problem is, making treatment quicker and easier.
  • Less Radiation: Compared to traditional X-rays, digital cavity detection uses much less radiation, which is great for your overall health.
  • Detailed Images: The pictures are extremely clear, so the team can get a better look at what’s going on with your teeth.

Your Local Quality Dental Care Team

If you can’t remember the last time you got a check-up, you’re probably overdue for one. Even if you don’t exhibit any signs or systems of cavities forming, our digital detection methods can help identify if everything is in tip-top shape.

During your next appointment with the professional team at Mounts Dental Care in North Little Rock, AR, you can be sure you receive the utmost care and guidance that you and your loved ones deserve.

How to Get Over Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety keeps many people from visiting the dentist as often as they should. This usually leads to unfortunate results such as dental decay or even periodontitis. Your dentist in North Little Rock, AR wants you to know that we’re aware that not everyone feels comfortable about visiting the dentist, and we do everything possible to make our patients feel welcome and safe. At home, here are some ways to overcome your dental anxiety.

Come Visit For a Cosmetic Procedure

Sometimes knowing that there’s going to be a big, visible reward for you on the other end of your visit is enough to get over dental anxiety. Why not try us out for a simple cosmetic treatment such as teeth whitening? After about an hour, you get to go home with shiny white teeth that will make you feel positive about the dentist! Plus, you’ll get to see firsthand how gentle we are with our valued dental patients!

Visit More Often

The longer you go in between dental visits, the more anxious you may become. Maybe you feel that your teeth have gotten so bad it will be embarrassing for you at the dentist’s office. Or maybe you’ve forgotten how the process will go, and you’re just worried about the unknown. Whatever the reason, you should know that visiting the dentist often will help relieve any anxiety you may feel. The more you see us, the more comfortable you’ll feel!

Ask For Sedation

In today’s world, you can get sedation with your dentist services. You don’t have to sit in the chair all worried. You can get a mild sedative to help you feel relaxed, similar to a hot bath after a long day at work. All you have to do is ask, and we’ll tell you all about it!

At Mounts Dental Care, our goal is for you to feel good about visiting us. Get in touch with your North Little Rock, AR dentist today to book your next worry-free dental appointment!

5 Ways to Maximize Your Visits With the Dentist

Visiting the dentist is good for you, especially when you know how to make the most out of your appointment. When you visit the dentist in North Little Rock, AR, it’s important to know how to ensure that your dental appointment is as productive as possible. Below are five things you can do to maximize your next dental appointment.

1. Know What Questions to Ask

Make a list of all your questions about oral health and hygiene. Maybe you’d like to know if you’re a good candidate for professional teeth whitening or why your teeth are so sensitive. Write these questions down to ask your dentist during your consultation.

2. Make Appointments Twice Annually

Experts recommend that dental patients visit the dentist twice per year. Making your dental appointments twice annually helps the dentist stay on top of your plaque and tartar removal and allows your dentist to identify oral health and hygiene problems in their early stages.

3. Make a Checklist of Concerns

Are you concerned about pain in your teeth or maybe a wisdom tooth that’s causing you grief? Make a checklist of issues to bring up with your dentist before the end of your dental appointment.

4. Get Tutorials from the Dentist

When did the dentist last show you how to brush your teeth or floss properly? It’s good to get a refresher from time to time. Get new tutorials from the dentist to improve your oral health and hygiene routine.

5. Tell Them What Type of Toothbrush and Toothpaste You Use

Dentists often have recommendations for the best type of toothbrush and toothpaste for their patients. Tell your dentist about your products to see if your dentist recommends anything different.

When was the last time you came in for a dental examination and cleaning in North Little Rock, AR? Call Mounts Dental Care today to make your next appointment.

Why Are My Teeth Shifting?

As you age, you may begin to notice a change in your bite. Often, this is due to subtle shifting of the teeth. While it is quite common, this doesn’t mean that it isn’t something to worry about. Any time you notice your teeth shifting, you should book an appointment with your dentist in Little Rock, AR. Although some mild shifting is to be expected with age, it often signifies something more serious that should be addressed. Apart from age, the following are some possible reasons your teeth shift.


Bruxism is a formal word for what is more commonly known as teeth grinding. You may or may not be aware that you’re grinding your teeth. Many people do it at night when they’re asleep. This practice puts much additional and unnatural stress on the teeth and jaw. It can also lead to the development of TMJ. In fact, teeth shifting is one symptom of TMJ.

Inadequate Oral Hygiene

Teeth shifting will almost always happen if a person doesn’t make a lifetime habit of properly caring for their teeth. If you don’t brush, floss, and rinse, you’re bound to develop oral health problems, including tooth loosening and shifting. A visit to a dentist as soon as possible is essential if the natural teeth are to be saved.

Inadequate Orthodontic Treatment or Follow-Up

If retainers are not worn as prescribed, teeth sometimes shift after braces are removed. The period immediately following orthodontic treatment is crucial for maintaining alignment, and failure to follow through with retainer use can lead to teeth moving back to their original positions or shifting.

For help getting treatment for teeth that are shifting or just to schedule your six-month dental exam in Little Rock, AR, please contact us today.


4 Ways to Get Over Your Fear of the Dentist

Fear of the dentist can prevent some people from getting their teeth cleaned and examined, leading to oral health problems like plaque and tartar buildup, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. For your oral health, it’s important to overcome your fear of the dentist in North Little Rock, AR. Here’s what you can do.

1. Talk to your dentist.

Your dentist will have encountered other people who have a fear of the dentist. Many dental professionals have a plan to help people who are afraid of going to the dentist.

The only way to get help from your dentist is to start a conversation about your feelings. Your dentist can help you work out a plan to make appointments less stressful.

2. Consider sedation dentistry.

Sedation dentistry is the practice of using mild forms of sedation to make dental appointments more comfortable and less stressful. People can use sedation dentistry for many reasons, and if your dentist feels it is appropriate for you to use it, this could give you the relief you need to get through a dental appointment.

3. Bring something to listen to.

Plan to distract yourself from the dental appointment by bringing something to listen to while you’re there. Listening to a favorite podcast or music can improve the experience.

4. Try breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises can help calm your heart and help you feel more in control. Engage in breathing exercises, taking several deep, intentional breaths in a row before going to the dentist and while you’re there.

Interested in sedation dentistry in North Little Rock, AR, to help overcome your fear of the dentist? Call Mounts Dental Care today to make an appointment.

3 Reasons You Should See the Dentist Twice in 2024

2024 is here, and it’s time to make your first dental appointment of the year! Seeing the dentist twice each calendar year is important. If you’re not in the habit of seeing yourdentist in North Little Rock, AR, on a regular basis, then now is a good time to get in the habit. You should see the dentist at least twice per year for many reasons. Here’s what to know.

1. Your Dentist Recommends Twice-Yearly Treatments

Most dentists recommend that their patients come in twice yearly for cleanings. Unless your dentist has recommended a different schedule for dental care, you should follow this twice-yearly schedule to stay on top of your dental needs and to maintain clean, healthy teeth.

2. Frequent Visits Can Help You Avoid Dental Problems

Getting preventative care from the dentist is important for avoiding dental problems. When you go to the dentist for preventative care, your dentist will eliminate plaque and tartar that can lead to gum disease and gum recession. These regular cleanings can help you avoid problems like cavities, infections, and gingivitis. If you are at high risk for any of these conditions, seeing your dentist for regular care is especially important.

3. You’ll Get Early Diagnosis of Dental Issues

When you visit the dentist, your dental professional will look for signs of a problem like cracks in the tooth enamel or cavities. Your dentist will also take regular X-rays of your teeth to find out if there are any problems developing inside your teeth and gums out of sight. This will help you get an early diagnosis so your dentist can help you get treatment before the problem is out of control.

Have you made an appointment for adental cleaning in North Little Rock, AR? If not, call Mounts Dental Care today to schedule your first 2024 appointment.

What to Expect During Your Cavity Filling

Does your tooth hurt? If so, you may have a cavity. While getting a filling is a standard procedure, some people get nervous before the filling is installed. Knowing what to expect when you visit the dentist in North Little Rock, AR, can help you manage your nerves. If you’re experiencing the symptoms of a cavity, here’s what you should know about getting a filling.

How to Tell If You Have a Cavity

First, do you need a filling? If you have a cavity, you may notice problems like pain in the tooth, sensitivity to heat and cold, and pain when you eat sweet things. You may even notice a hole developing in your tooth.

Even if you notice no symptoms at all, you may still have a cavity. Your dentist can catch a problem like this before symptoms begin, and that’s why it’s important to see the dentist every six months. Catching the problem early can help make the dental filling process easier and faster.

What to Expect When Getting a Filling

When you have a cavity, the first thing that will happen is your dentist will diagnose your cavity during an exam. During the filling, the dentist will numb the area so you won’t feel discomfort during the procedure. The dentist may also use laughing gas to make you feel more comfortable if you have dental anxiety.

Next, the dentist will clean out the decay and sanitize the area. The filling will be installed after the area has been prepared. Your dentist may use a composite or amalgam filling. Composite fillings are tooth-colored and are quickly becoming the preferred filling type for many people.

Have a Cavity? Call Today for An Appointment

Do you think you may have a cavity? Sounds like you need to make a dental appointment in North Little Rock, AR. Call Mounts Dental Care today to get started.

3 Back to School Tips to Care for Your Child’s Teeth

It’s back to school time! Keeping your little one’s teeth healthy during the school year is important. As your dentist in North Little Rock, AR, we’re happy to help you with this process. We’re sharing the tips below to make caring for your child’s teeth easier this coming school year. Here’s what you need to know.

1. Bring your child to the dentist before the school year starts.

Once your child starts school, getting your child to the dentist can become more complicated. Make an appointment to bring your child to the dentist before the school year begins. If it’s already too late to bring your child before the school year begins, make a note in your calendar to make a back-to-school dentist appointment next year.

2. Stock up on healthy lunches and snacks.

The right lunches and snacks can help your child maintain healthy teeth and gums. Stock up on healthy foods that are easy to pack in your child’s lunches. Apples, hummus on pita, nuts, and fresh water in a bottle are all relatively healthy snacks that will fill your child up without doing damage to your child’s teeth.

3. Continue to monitor your child’s tooth brushing habits.

School nights can be hectic between family dinners and homework. Don’t let your child forget to brush their teeth before bedtime. If you brush your child’s teeth for them, pay attention to the appearance of their teeth to watch for problems like cavities. Continuing to brush your child’s teeth twice daily and floss once daily can help your child avoid painful dental problems.

Need to make an appointment for preventative dental care in North Little Rock, AR? Call Mounts Dental Care to make an appointment today.

3 Reasons To Go To the Dentist Every Six Months

Going to the dentist in North Little Rock, AR, is good for you. In fact, most dentists recommend that their patients come to see them for a check-up and teeth cleaning every six months. If your dentist is asking you to make appointments every six months, you have many good reasons to do so. Here’s what to know about why you should see the dentist twice yearly.

1. Your teeth will stay healthier.

Every time you visit the dentist, you’ll get a teeth cleaning that will help keep your teeth healthy and strong. During the cleaning, the dental hygienist will remove plaque and tartar buildup that may have accumulated on your tooth enamel since the last time you visited.

You’ll also get your teeth polished, and that will prevent more plaque and tartar from building up after the visit is over. The result will be a reduction in bacteria in your mouth, which will help your teeth stay healthy.

2. Your teeth will look better.

Your teeth look their best when they’re clean. If you’re coming to the dentist every six months, you’ll enjoy healthier-looking teeth and gums. Are you interested in getting your teeth whitened? Your dentist can also take care of that – ask about it the next time you come in for a cleaning.

3. You’ll avoid painful conditions.

Unhealthy teeth can develop painful conditions like cavities and infections. When you get your teeth cleaned regularly, you’ll avoid problems like this. Unless you’re excited about getting a root canal or a cavity filling, it’s better just to go to the dentist regularly.

Need to schedule a teeth cleaning in North Little Rock, AR? Call Mounts Dental Care to make an appointment.