Why is My Dental Bridge Coming Loose?

Millions of people all over the world wear dental bridges due to missing permanent teeth. Dental bridges have been around for years, and they’ve proven to be an effective solution to restore both function and appearance. Over time, they’ve been improved to a point where they’re one of the top preferredrestorative dental solutions in Little Rock, AR. But when something goes wrong with a dental bridge, it can cause discomfort and endanger oral health.

Reasons Why a Dental Bridge May Come Loose

Dental bridges shouldn’t come loose. If it does, that means that there’s a problem. One possible reason is that the quality of the bridge or the dental treatment may have been less than it should have been. It’s important to go to a very good dentist when being fitted for a dental bridge. This will help to ensure that the bridge lasts as it should.

Another common cause is tooth decay in the supporting teeth. The abutment teeth play a critical role in holding the bridge in place. If these teeth develop cavities or decay, the structure supporting the bridge weakens, leading to looseness. Good oral hygiene practices, including brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups, are essential to prevent decay and maintain the integrity of your dental bridge.

Finally, wear and tear over time can cause a dental bridge to come loose. A dental bridge is designed to last for a long time, but not forever. How long it lasts has to do with how much wear and tear it undergoes, as well as how careful the wearer is with it. Obviously, it’s important not to abuse it by eating hard foods or neglecting oral hygiene practices.

The good news is that if you do have a loose dental bridge, it can be addressed by yourdentist in Little Rock, AR. Contact us today to book your appointment before the condition of your dental bridge worsens.