Entries by Dr. Jason Mounts

Why Whiten Your Teeth

  Hi, I’m Dr. Mounts. I’m a dentist here in North Little Rock, and today I wanted to talk to you a little bit about whitening. So I’ve noticed that as masks are starting to come off, that I’m getting a lot more inquiries about how to whiten teeth, because we’ve kind of hid behind […]

Toothache or Stress?

Hi there, I’m Dr. Mounts. I wanted to share a little bit of information with you today because lately I’ve been having a lot of patients come in with a specific type of issue going on. I know we’ve all been stressed a lot here lately, with different things going on between COVID and elections […]

What You Need to Know About Dental Insurance

Hi there, I’m Dr. Mounts, and I want to talk to you for just a few minutes about dental insurance. So probably not the most exciting topic for some of you, but for others, dental insurance is something that you have questions about. Maybe you have it, you get it through your company, and you’re […]

How Safe Is It To Visit the Dentist?

Hi there, I’m Dr. Mounts. You all, probably all know we’ve, we’re shut down for a little while. We had to take about a two-month break there for a little bit, but we are back up and running now as a lot of businesses are, which is great. But a lot of folks are probably […]

We’re Back

We are back now and just want to take a second to say hey and let everybody know that we’re back to work. There are going to be some changes obviously. Things are going to have to be a little bit different. So I just wanted to share a few things with you so that […]

We’re Thankful

This past Sunday, our preacher had a great definition of thankfulness. And it’s being aware and appreciative of a benefit. And so, there are so many different things that we can be thankful for. But obviously, for me, the first thing that came to mind was teeth, right? So, lots of times when people are […]

If It Ain’t Broke…

If It Ain’t Broke… Hi there, I’m Dr. Jason Mounts. You’ve probably heard the old saying, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Well, for a lot of things, that’s a fine idea, but for your teeth, it’s really not great. And here’s why. Just the other day, I had a patient come in that […]

Dental Insurance Tips

  Today I’d like to talk to the folks out there who have dental insurance. If you don’t have dental insurance, you can just skip on to something else. If you do, I’ve got a message for ya and it’s somethin’ I want ya to think about. We are getting toward the end of the […]