5 Best Tips to Avoid Cavities

Keeping your teeth cavity-free doesn’t have to feel like a chore, although we know it can at times. It’s more about building small, tooth-friendly habits over time, which can add up to healthy teeth that never experience a cavity. And if you’ve already had a cavity, with these tips, maybe that’s the last you’ll see of the business end of a dentist’s drill at your next dental exam in North Little Rock, AR.

1. Brush Like a Boss

Brush three times daily for at least two minutes, ensuring you hit every tooth, every nook and every crevice. Consider upping your game with a motorized toothbrush, which can crack the boredom of daily oral hygiene.

2. Floss Like You Mean It

Flossing after brushing keeps the plaque at bay. And no, using your fingernails doesn’t count! In fact, skip the toothpicks, too, since these can inadvertently damage sensitive gum tissue. If you hate flossing, try using an oral irrigator, which does a better job without all the fuss and bother of flossing string or tape.

3. Keep Sugar on a Leash

Sugary snacks and drinks are like cavity magnets. When you ingest any kind of sugar, you’re basically opening up a dining buffet for bacteria. Enjoy sugar only so often, and fill up on nutrient-dense whole foods instead.

4. Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Think of your dentist in North Little Rock, AR as your tooth guard. Regular check-ups help to stop trouble in its track and save you a lot of hassle.

5. Don’t Skip Fluoride

Fluoride toothpaste and rinses strengthen enamel, making your teeth a fortress against decay. It’s like armor for your pearly whites!

Following these tips might not make you a superhero, but they’ll certainly give you a dazzling smile worth flashing. Contact us for more details or to book an appointment.

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