4 Ways to Take Care of Your Dental Implants

Dental implants are an excellent option for restoring your smile. Dental implants are very similar to natural teeth. Like natural teeth, implants are fused with the jaw bone. This makes maintaining your dental implants very similar to maintaining your natural teeth. Your dentist in North Little Rock, AR, will give you advice about maintaining your dental implants once they’re installed. Below are some suggestions that can help.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene At Home

Brush your dental implants twice daily with a soft-bristle toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. Your dentist will show you how to get food out from the spaces near and around your dental implant.

See the Dentist Twice Annually

See the dentist twice per year for dental cleanings. Seeing your dentist will help you catch any problems with your dental implant before they become serious. Don’t put off seeing the dentist: make the appointment ASAP.

Don’t Whiten Your Teeth

Teeth whitening works on natural teeth but doesn’t work on dental implants. Whitening your dental implants will only cause your implants to be a different color from your other teeth. If you’re concerned about stains on your teeth, talk to your dentist about possible solutions.

Don’t Chew Things That Aren’t Food

Dental implants can get damaged when you chew things that aren’t food. Avoid chewing pens and ice. Don’t use your teeth to cut open packaging, either.

Have more questions about maintaining your dental implants in North Little Rock, AR? Call the dental professionals at Mounts Dental Care today. We install dental implants for our patients, and we can teach you how to maintain your implants once they’re in. We’re here to help.

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