3 Ways to Care for Your Teeth As You Get Older

Teeth change as the body ages. Taking good care of your teeth can help keep your teeth healthy. Your dentist in North Little Rock, AR can help.

Seniors have unique dental needs that we can address during their dental appointments. Below are some suggestions we give to senior patients to help them maintain healthy teeth and gums.

1. Use Soft Bristle Toothbrushes, Brush Gently

Brushing too hard with a hard-bristle toothbrush can wear away your tooth enamel, leading to sensitive tooth enamel. Brushing too hard can also wear away your gums, causing gum recession.

Tooth sensitivity and gum recession are both problems that seniors commonly struggle with, so it’s important to reduce your risk of these problems by brushing your teeth gently. If you’re not sure how to brush your teeth gently or whether your toothbrush is adequate, talk to your dentist.

2. Maintain a Good Oral Hygiene Routine

Hopefully, you have a good oral hygiene routine of brushing your teeth twice per day and flossing once per day. If you don’t do that right now, this is a good time to start. See your dentist twice annually for dental exams in North Little Rock, AR – or more often if your dentist recommends. Your dentist may ask to see you more frequently as you get older.

3. Stay Hydrated

Certain medications and medical conditions can put you at risk for dry mouth, increasing your risk of periodontitis. Staying hydrated can help you avoid these problems. Drink plenty of water to help maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Is it time for your next dental exam? Contact Mounts Dental Care to make your next dental appointment.

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