3 Reasons to Consider Adult Braces

Many people get braces when they’re in their teen years or even younger, but did you know that you can get braces as an adult? You can. Adult braces in North Little Rock, AR, are an effective and efficient way to make changes to the alignment of your teeth.

If you’ve struggled your entire life with teeth that are misaligned, crooked, or crowded, adult braces can help. Below are three reasons to consider adult braces.

1. Enhance Your Smile

Many people feel self-conscious, knowing that their teeth aren’t straight. For some people, this can make smiling difficult and interacting with people a little more awkward. Installing adult braces can enhance your smile and may help you feel more comfortable when talking to others.

2. Realign Your Bite

Jaw misalignment can have many consequences, such as pain when chewing, loud clicking noise when opening and closing yo problems and make your mouth more functional overall. Before your adult braces are put in place, your dentist will talk to you about your goals for your teeth and how braces can help you ur jaw, and difficulty pronouncing certain sounds while talking.

Realigning your jaw can stop theseachieve those goals.

3. Braces Can Be Subtle

When many people think of braces, they think of flashy metal brackets attached to the front of every tooth. Braces can be very obvious, but they don’t have to be. There are many types of braces, including braces that are attached to the side of the teeth facing the tongue (called lingual braces) and braces that are made from tooth-colored ceramic.

If you’re worried about how braces will impact the way you look, talk to your dentist in North Little Rock, AR, about all the options. At Mounts Dental Care, we can find the adult braces that are just right for you.

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